RUISTER International Chemical Co., Ltd.
Name:RUISTER International Chemical Co., Ltd.
Products detail
Product Name: Calcium Chloride Powder
CAS No: 10043-52-4
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic salts
Product spec: 84.2%
Post Time: 2010-10-28
Description: Used in highway, expressway, parking lot and port. As dryer to dry nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, hydrogen chloride and sulfur dioxide. Act as dehydration agent when producing alcohol, ester, aether and crylic acid. Calcium chloride is a kind of important cryogen used by freezing machine and when making ice. It can speeden hardness of concrete and increase cold resistance ability of construction sand pulop. In port, act as fog removing agent and dust collecting agent on road and fireproof agent of textile. Protective agent and refining agent of aluminum magnesium metallurgy. Act as precipitator in producing lake paint. It is a kind of raw material of producing calcium salt. In algae sodium and bean industry it acts as flecculation.
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